Membership Christmas Dinner
    Royal Hamilton Yacht Club

   5th December 2021

 A good time was had by all.
A total of 30 members and XYLs attended.

Pictures courtesy of  Barry VE3ISX

Murray     VE3ZPV with wife Laurel
Club President and organizer of the event.

 Rick VE3BK with Mike VA3WXS   and Club President Murray VE3ZPV

Al VA3ERE  with wife Judy

Norm VE3ZKO with wife Donna  VA3POK

Jim VE3JS with wife Donna

John  VA3XM with wife Karen

John  VE3CXB  and wife

 Rick VE3BK with wife Pat and daughter Christine

Barry VE3ISX with wife Judy

Peter VE3DOU with Fred  VE3GCP   and John   VE3FDK

Art   VE3KCI

Mark    VE3RYI

Gary  VE3TTO with wife Loretta

Greg  VE3YGG

Judy wife of Barry VE3ISX  welcoming our guests.

Jesse  VA3JEZ with wife Miranda.

Laurel Thompson with the well stocked door prize table
and special Charcuterie Board gifts for each lady.

Peter VE3DOU

Thanks to our sponsors of door prizes

Springers Meats Hamilton
Radio World Toronto
VE3NLS Ronnie
DX Canada Stoney Creek
Degen Electronics Brampton
End Zone Bar and Grill Hamilton
VE3DOU Peter Grimsby